Főoldal Oszcilloszkópok Pico Technology USB oszcilloszkópok PicoScope 3000 PicoScope 3206D 2 channel, 200 MHz, 8-bit oscilloscope with probes

PicoScope 3206D 2 channel, 200 MHz, 8-bit oscilloscope with probes

Ingyenes szállítás

PicoScope 3206D 2 channel, 200 MHz, 8-bit oscilloscope with probes

  • 2 analog channels
  • Bandwidth: 200 MHz
  • Memory: 512 MSa
  • Sample rate: Up to 1 GSa/s
  • USB 3.0 connected and powered
  • Built-in arbitrary waveform generator
  • Decode 16 serial protocols as standard (MSO models)
  • Mask testing as standard
  • Advanced trigger, math channels, spectrum analyzer
  • Windows, Linux and Mac software
  • 2 x 250 MHz x1/x10 probes included


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nettó ár € 1 515,00
bruttó ár € 1 924,05
 Kérjük, töltse ki a kötelező mezőket
Elérhetőség Kérésre
Termékkód PT_PP961

Szavatosság 60 hónap

Részletes leírás PicoScope 3206D 2 channel, 200 MHz, 8-bit oscilloscope with probes

The PicoScope 3000 Series PC oscilloscopes are small, light, and portable, while offering the high-performance specifications required by engineers in the lab or on the move.

These oscilloscopes offer 2 or 4 analog channels, plus an additional 16 digital channels on the MSO models. The flexible, high-resolution display options enable you to view and analyze each signal in fine detail.

Operating together with the PicoScope 6 software, these devices offer an ideal, cost-effective package for many applications, including embedded systems design, research, test, education, service, and repair.


Megjelenítésvideók és letöltések

Videók és letöltések PicoScope 3206D 2 channel, 200 MHz, 8-bit oscilloscope with probes


Megjelenítésrészletes információ